Vice-Minister Kurtyka talks about COP24 in Brussels


MichaƂ Kurtyka, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment, took part in a conference on COP24, which was attended by representatives of the European Parliament, among many others. The aim of the meeting was to discuss issues pertaining to the upcoming COP24 climate summit.


Implementation of the Paris Agreement

Vice-Minister Kurtyka stressed that the Paris Agreement was a political document which defined the basic assumptions and principles. While achieving consensus in 2015 resulted from diplomacy and the good will of world leaders, they will have a much more complicated task to carry out in Katowice.

We need to create a kind of 'user manual' that sets out the rules regarding implementing the assumptions of the Paris Agreement. In fact, it is what we will manage to work out in Katowice will launch a series of actions on the part of the states-parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Vice-Minister said.

Fair transformation as one of the key initiatives of the Polish Presidency

The deputy head of the Ministry of Environment also referred to one of the initiatives of the Polish Presidency - the ministerial declaration on fair transformation. Taking into account the social aspect of the transition towards a low-carbon economy is crucial for gaining social approval for the changes.

I am convinced that thanks to the signing of a ministerial declaration on fair transformation at the Katowice summit, we will be able to drum up additional political support for this topic,  said Vice-Minister Kurtyka.

The long-term implementation of a solidarity transformation will help to generate and maintain public support for policies aimed at reducing emissions, he added.

Fair transformation on the example of Katowice

The future President of COP24 explained that the global landscape is changing dynamically. That is why the motto of the most important climate summit in the world to be held this year in Poland will be "Changing Together". The conference will be held in Katowice and it is not a coincidence, as Katowice is currently one of the symbols of the effectiveness of the Polish strategy of economic and social transformation, as well as its positive impact on the environment.

COP24 Climate Summit

COP24 or the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place on the 3rd - 14th of December 2018 in Katowice. The event will be attended by nearly 30,000 delegates from all over the world.
The plan for the COP24 summit is to adopt a full package implementing the Paris Agreement. The Agreement is the first international agreement in history, which compels all countries in the world to take action on climate protection. It will thus set global climate policy for the coming years.



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