Business for the climate in Kraków


Yesterday, within the framework of PreCOP, which begins in Krakow, Vice-Ministers of the Environment - Michał Kurtyka and Sławomir Mazurek - met with representatives of business.


On Monday, during the first day of the Kraków conference, representatives of world business joined the elite group of people shaping future solutions for climate change. During three workshop sessions devoted to electromobility, energy and the cities of the future in 2048, CEOs and representatives of the largest companies discussed the challenges facing them. The task of the participants of that day was to find an answer to the question of how we can realise the vision of a climate-neutral economy.

We want to involve business representatives in our activities, show what opportunities are related to environmental protection, but also what challenges we face. We are analysing what kind of actions governments should take in this connection - what regulations should be introduced in order to help business build new areas of activity and focus on innovation, but at the same time not to make these requirements unreasonable or too far-reaching. Finding the right balance between ambition and feasibility is a very important part of our discussion today, said Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Environment, President of COP24 Michał Kurtyka  

PreCOP is a meeting of representatives of world business and government delegations from more than 35 countries preceding the COP24 climate summit in Katowice. Its open formula creates a space for inspiring discussions, exchange of arguments and development of solutions before the start of formal negotiations in their full dimension, among almost 200 countries during the December COP24.




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