Journalists and Scientists to discuss climate change at Global Media Forum

Journalists and Scientist will discuss at the 2010 Global Media Forum, "Covering Climate Change in West Africa" and find ways of collaborating to educate the people to appreciate the need to stem the looming danger.
The impact of global climate change on West Africa is already noticeable and although projections differ in detail, they agree in their general assessment of increasing weather extremes -longer droughts, shorter but heavier rainfall periods- and delay of the onset of the rains.
The Panellists would among other things find out whether West African media outlets report on climate change and its regional impact and if they do, whether the reports make use of Africa-based located science.
They would also examine how West African Scientists see their work being covered by their own local media and whether or not they think their opinions and contributions are appreciated.
The Panelists would include Boakye-Dankwa Boadi, Supervising Chief Editor of Ghana News Agency; Grace Davies, News Media Editor and  Ms Anna Godfrey, Senior Research Operations Manager, both of the BBC World Service Trust, and Edward Klame Aklade, Mobile Reporter, Voices of Africa.
The Scientists would be made up of Wilson Agyei Agyare, Senior Lecturer, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Technology, Kumasi; Benjamin Kofi Nyarko, Lecturer, Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Cape Coast and Ben Ampomah, Executive Secretary of Water Resources Commission.
The Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2010 to be held in Bonn Germany from June 21 - 23 under the theme "Climate Change; The Heat Is On", will address and assess the pivotal issues that have consigned the world to such a precarious state and seek a viable way out by looking at the role of the media at the international, national and local levels.
The Conference will bring together media users and producers; scientists; peace keeping and conflict prevention specialists; energy industry experts; policy makers as well as representatives from international, grassroots and non-governmental organizations.
They would discuss how to harmonize individual and collective action in order to steer the world away from a foreboding future and instead toward genuine sustainability.

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