Indonesia to propose yet another climate agreement


Indonesia will try to convince developed nations to adopt a treaty on climate change and join a trust fund for its mitigation efforts in the upcoming United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference in Doha, Qatar in December.


Rachmat Witoelar, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's special envoy on Climate Change, said on Tuesday that the effort was critical as few developed countries had signed up for new targets under the second Kyoto Protocol commitment period, which is expected to begin this year.
Japan, China, Russia and the United States, along with other developed and developing countries responsible for 85 percent of global emissions, refused to adopt the treaty to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
"We hope that the countries will show their commitment to protecting the environment by adopting the Bali Action Plan. It provides guidelines for long-term cooperation in mitigation strategies, adaptation action plus financial and technical support on climate change for developing countries," Rachmat, chair of the Climate Change National Council (DNPI), said.
The Bali Action Plan, drafted in 2007, also stipulates the principles for funding carbon-friendly investment and the implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) mitigation program.
Tazwin Hanif of Indonesia's delegation to the Doha conference said that developed countries should support activation of funding under the Cancun Agreement from 2010.
The agreement stipulates that "in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation, developed countries commit to a goal of mobilizing jointly US$100 billion a year by 2020 to address the needs of developing countries".
In spite of its huge potential, the Cancun Agreements have not been implemented because the country delegations have distinct interpretations of the clause.
"Some argue that the agreement obliges developed countries to collect $100 billion per year from the first year until 2020. Others suggest that the fund should be increased gradually until it reaches $100 billion by 2020," Suzanty Sitorus, the secretary of DNPI financing working group, told The Jakarta Post.
Suzanty hoped that UNFCCC members could settle their problems and the Cancun Agreements could be implemented in 2014.
In Doha, delegates will determine the targets, rules and deadlines of the second Kyoto commitment period.


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