First Climate Change Summit for Fiji


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is stepping up its awareness campaign on climate change with a first ever National Climate Change Summit to be held in Labasa next week.


This is a follow up to the commitment made earlier this year during the launch of Fiji's Climate Change Policy.

Director Political and Treaties Esala Nayasi says the main purpose of the National Summit is to engage communities on a grassroots level.

"We hope to really engage with all sectors of our communities, particularly the practitioners, community leaders, those that manage projects that are being implemented on the ground, to engage with them and also strategize on ways in which we could improve our work and ways in which we could better address the adverse impacts of climate change."

The Ministry is teaming up with the WWF South Pacific Program for the summit.

WWF Conservation Director Sally Bailey says addressing climate change issues isn't just about high level meetings.

"I think it's very important that platforms such as the summit are developed where there is real community engagement and I think having it in Labasa also helps to move things because climate change is something that affects everybody and not just people based here in Suva."

The summit also supports Fiji's efforts to meet the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.


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