Globe comes before politics- Combet


Climate Change Minister Greg Combet says Labor's duty to the planet would come before allowing a future coalition government to scrap the carbon tax.


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has vowed to scrap the carbon tax, which comes into effect on July 1, if elected in 2013.

In an interview with AAP on Tuesday, Mr Combet said Labor had argued 'hard' for the past seven years that carbon pricing was the most efficient and effective way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

'We do as a country and a people have a responsibility to play a fair part in the international community to tackle climate change,' he said.

'What's more, it would be irresponsible for us to turn our back on this and to repeal this legislation because in 2020 Australia will have legally binding obligations to cut our greenhouse gas emissions.

'If we ... get to 2020 and suddenly cut our emissions it will hit the economy with the back of the axe and people will lose their jobs.'

Labor has been behind the coalition in the polls since announcing the carbon tax in March 2011, breaking a promise made before the 2010 federal election.

A Lowy Institute poll has found 63 per cent of people oppose carbon pricing and 57 per cent favour the coalition scrapping it if elected.

Mr Combet took comfort in the fact that two-thirds of voters supported action on climate change and that only 18 per cent supported the coalition's position of 'not taking any steps that would have an economic cost'.

'In terms of the policy that is preferred, the government's versus the coalition's, the government's policy is ahead,' he said.

The minister rejected suggestions some Labor MPs were advocating a shorter period for the carbon tax and an earlier start for the emissions trading scheme (ETS).

'No one has raised that with me and there's been no discussion within the Labor caucus about that,' he said.

The three-year phase-in would enable businesses to adjust and the Clean Energy Regulator to set up the emissions permit auctioning system by 2015.

'I don't think it should be mucked about with,' Mr Combet said.

A list of 'liable entities' that will face the full $23 a tonne carbon price from July 1 will be released before June 30, with just fewer than 500 entities expected to be listed.

Mr Combet said he believed the list would shorten over time, as businesses cut their emissions through new technology.

The former trade union leader said he believed Labor could win the 2013 election, despite polls pointing to a coalition landslide.

'I've been in many tough circumstances in my working life and when you stand up for what you believe in and keep arguing the issues out, charlatans like Tony Abbott get found out ... and these are the sorts of arguments that we can win.'




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