Europe looks to extend Kyoto commitments


A European environment committee passed a resolution to extend its commitment to the Kyoto Protocol on climate issues beyond 2012.


Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, said in September from Durban, South Africa, the site a November conference on climate change, there must be a "clear decision" on "how the global collective effort to reduce emissions will go forward."

Provisions under the Kyoto Protocol, she warned, are to expire in 2012.

Members of the European environment committee passed a resolution with 53 votes in favor, four against and three abstentions that calls on the European Union to give full support to continue the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012.

"The EU must show the necessary leadership to prevent a stalemate in climate negotiations," environment committee and Parliament delegation chairman Jo Leinen said in statement.

The resolution adds that EU countries would benefit from aiming higher with their greenhouse gas reduction commitments.

The European Parliament scheduled a vote on the resolution for mid-November, two weeks before the climate summit in Durban.


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