Climate Talks Bring Progress in the Fight Against Global Warming

The annual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference came to an end recently with some small signs of progress. The event was held in Cancun, Mexico, and although there were no giant leaps made, the members left feeling more confident that they can work together in the future and eventually come to a binding global agreement on climate change.

In 2009, the talks in Copenhagen left many people feeling that the United Nations would be unable to gather enough support to take a real stand against global warming. Although things are still quite tense, today there is at least hope that the conference will continue to gather support for measures to stop climate change.
Global warming affects every country. The UN climate talks were created to provide a forum for change. Thanks to these efforts, billions of dollars have been put into the Climate Change Fund to help implement the many changes that are needed to prevent climate change from continuing at such an alarming rate.
This year in Cancun, it was agreed that the Climate Change Fund will remain in control of a large percentage of the UN's one hundred billion dollar a year budget. There was also an agreement made which has called for a halt in deforestation, and all of the one hundred and ninety three countries involved in these vital talks have managed to agree that sharing low carbon technologies with one other is a good idea. Although these small steps have not yet made a huge difference on the world, they show that the United Nations can work together in the fight to save our environment.
On a less enthusiastic note, the future of the Kyoto Protocol was put on hold for yet another year at the climate change conference. The countries involved still need to decide whether or not to continue holding this discussion, as some leaders find it difficult to forget the many heated and emotional arguments that have previously caused delays in progress. This Protocol, which is not legally binding, is essentially an agreement that more developed countries will work on cutting carbon emissions while also supporting various initiatives in poorer countries to protect the planet.
Despite the small successes at this year's climate change conference in Cancun, scientists remain concerned that not enough is being done to protect the human race from the devastating effects that global warming will have. In addition, Bolivia was against the new agreements arranged in Cancun, stating that the reduced emissions will still allow the climate to rise by four degrees Celsius over the next fifty years.  This would be devastating and could severely reduce the population; with the poorest countries hit the hardest.
The countries which are least developed were quick to support the new agreement, because it essentially means that the fund will begin to pay underdeveloped countries to implement eco-friendly practices. The conference will meet again next year in South Africa, where the talks will continue and new, proactive agreements will hopefully be made.
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