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In Bonn, 9 Developing Countries Showcase Wealth of Action and Innovation to Curb and Reduce Emissions


UN Climate Change News, 20 June 2019 - At the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (to 27 June) 9 developing countries have presented an update on their activities to curb and reduce greenhouse gas emissions before 2020. This took place at an event known as the Facilitative Sharing of Views (FSV).


The developing countries showcasing their climate actions at the event were: Armenia, Brazil, Nigeria, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Thailand, the Republic of North Macedonia, Uruguay and Vietnam.

The showcased actions range from the introduction of emissions trading schemes to efficiency measures in buildings, the promotion of renewable energy and low emission beef production.

See here for highlights of the presentations made by these countries.

"Transparency is the key vehicle to increase climate action and ambition," said UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Patricia Espinosa. "All nations must show, through their actions, not just their words, that they're willing to significantly boost climate action, and to do it together," she said. "Those efforts must be transparent." She added that transparency also provided an opportunity for the open exchange of ideas and for learning from one another.

In his opening remarks, the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Mr. Emmanuel Dlamini, said: "The FSV is a way to build trust and confidence in the climate intergovernmental process."

The FSV workshops, which already began in 2016, have been an opportunity to showcase a wealth of action and innovation, including:

  • Actions to decouple economic growth from the growth of greenhouse gas emissions to reach the goals of countries' national climate action plans (Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs)
  • Promoting low carbon development in key sectors
  • Innovative approaches to support local governments in implementing national climate change policies
  • Promoting private-public partnerships and incentives that encourage more climate technologies and innovation
  • Putting in place economic instruments such as emissions trading to help improve the level of ambition
  • Strengthening domestic monitoring, reporting and verification systems

Multilateral Assessment to Take Place 24 and 25 June in Bonn

The work on transparency at the Bonn climate conference will also include the Multilateral Assessment of developed countries' actions on climate change, which takes place on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June.

These transparency sessions are geared towards helping countries, especially developing countries, to increase their ambition by learning from one another. While the focus is on efforts to reduce emissions, other vital issues are addressed, such as finance, technology transfer and capacity building.

At next week's Multilateral Assessment workshop, 19 developed countries will take the stage to showcase their climate actions. For more information please see here.




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