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No climate for young generation


This Friday, December 14th, during the Climate Change Conference COP24 in Katowice, young Polish delegates will take part in a discussion panel entitled "No climate for young generation...", organized by UNICEF Poland and The UNEP/GRID-Warsaw Centre.


Representatives of the young generation from different regions of Poland will meet at the event of the Polish Presidency at the COP24 to jointly debate issues related to climate change. 25 delegates, supported by experts, will discuss the most important challenges in selected areas:

• Biodiversity protection - how to stop the destruction of ecosystems and improve their ability to perform functions that are important for society, including those related to the regulation of the local climate?

  • Access to clean water- how to improve the management of water resources?
  • Development of smart cities- how to reduce the growing pressure of cities on the natural environment and strengthen the resilience of cities to climate hazards?
  • Circular economy- which technologies and business models will allow effective reduction of natural resources exploitation?
  • Education- how to promote thorough knowledge about factors influencing climate change and make people aware of the necessity to modify lifestyle and take actions for sustainable development?

At the end of the meeting young people will write recommendations regarding urgent actions in the field of climate protection, which should already be implemented by the decision-makers in Poland, so that the young and future generations can enjoy the right to live in a healthy environment. The postulates, collected in the document "Climate for the Young" and signed by all delegates, will be handed over to the Representative of the Polish Presidency at the COP24.




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