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Vice-Minister Kurtyka at the G7 Summit


Climate change, reduction of plastic waste and activities aimed at cleaning up the oceans were the main topics of the meeting of G7 Environment, Energy and Ocean Ministers. The conference, attended by the Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment, Government Plenipotentiary for the COP24 Presidency, Michał Kurtyka, took place on 19-20 September 2018 in Halifax, Canada.


The Polish delegation took part in the G7 Ministerial Meeting, organised under the slogan "Working Together on Climate Change, Oceans, and Clean Energy." Canada also hosted representatives of a number of other countries and organisations, including: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union, as well as Poland and the United Nations.

Ministers talked about climate change, sustainable economic growth, the advancement of work and the conditions for successful global agreement during COP24 Summit, financing of environmental investments, improving air quality, cleaner oceans and the problem of the exponential growth of the amount of plastic waste.

Vice-Minister of Environment Michał Kurtyka, who took part in the event, stressed that the COP24 Summit held in Katowice in December will largely respond to the challenges discussed in Halifax.

"The approaching COP is turning out to be one of the most historic, as well as the most ambitious in terms of the number of tasks to be carried out and decisions to be made," he explained.

The package implementing the Paris Agreement is essential to take practical steps to curb climate change and its effects. Moreover, it is crucial to ensure the involvement of governments, as well as societies, NGOs, private sector, cities and regions. The Secretary of State at the Ministry of Environment commented on the progress of work on the package on the occasion of the G7 summit.

"I am encouraged by the willingness to cooperate presented by the parties during the negotiation session in Bangkok. The challenge we face with regard to the package implementing the Paris Agreement is serious and still requires a great deal of work. I am convinced that the success of the negotiations in Katowice is within our reach," he said.

Moreover, the ministers debated possible solutions for climate protection, including the need to support developing countries in adapting to ongoing climate change. Many participants of the G7 Summit stressed that the consequences of these processes are significant for the international community.

"Our action to curb climate change need to be comprehensive. They have a huge impact not only on the global economic system, but above all on societies," added Vice-Minister Kurtyka.




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