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UN Climate Change Announces Key Partners Supporting COP23


UN Climate Change announced new key partners to back its work at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn, Germany in an effort to address climate change and implement the Paris Climate Change Agreement.


The partners include businesses, NGOs, media and other institutions. They have all demonstrated their commitment to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and will be providing support during COP23.

Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary UN Climate Change, said: "We are delighted to announce these internationally recognised institutions, NGOs, businesses and media outlets that are backing our work at the annual UN climate conference in Bonn with diverse and important support".

"I hope they and many others will support us into the future as the world moves to implement the Paris Agreement and realize this year's COP23 motto-Further, Faster, Together," she said.

Examples of partners' support at COP23

Deutsche Post DHL Group - They have provided climate neutral transport to the Fiji presidency for one of their iconic boats, the drua, to be exhibited at the conference.

Iberdrola S.A - They have focused on raising awareness for climate change and climate solutions by organising for eighteen COP23 participants to cycle to the conference from Paris - fully climate neutrally.

Television for the Environment (tve) - They have supported the Global Youth Video competition on themes of climate resilient and friendly cities, oceans, and climate change. This year they had 280 entries from 96 countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

KPMG - They have supported UN Climate Talks LIVE, a social media platform that enables people around the world to follow the global conversation about COP23. It collates and analyses tweets about the event, showing real time data on the top Tweeters, key trends in the conversation as they happen, and insightful analytics.

BNP Paribas - They have asserted their commitment to COP23 and have recently announced divesting from oil and gas investments.

UN Climate Change's key partners will be part of the discussion around climate change.

Itaipú Binacional and Ethanol Europe Renewables Ltd.are just two of the contributors to panel events that will be happening throughout the conference. The UN Climate Change's media partners, which include Deutsche Welle, Financial Times, EFE Verde, POLITICO and Innovators Magazine, will help this reach a global audience.

Virtual engagement

Other partners will present their climate action at a dedicated partners area in the Pavilion where exhibits can be experienced in conversation with the partners and through technological gadgets such as virtual reality glasses.

Facebook - They will host an area in the pavilion dedicated to facilitating 'Facebook Live' interviews to reach more people globally.

Walker Institute - During COP23, they will provide avatars, allowing civil society and university students from Fiji and African countries to experience selected side events virtually.

The UN partners for COP23 are:

Deutsche Post DHL Group - A leading mail and logistics company, headquartered in Germany.

Iberdrola S.A.- A multinational power utility company that believes in the decarbonisation of the electricity sector.

KPMG - A Swiss cooperative made of a global network of professional firms operating in 155 countries providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services, including Climate Change and Sustainability services.

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) - A charitable international legal research center working to integrate environment, human rights and economy through leading international legal research.

Climate Tracker - A non-governmental organization that works to take the climate movement global, and empowers young journalists and communicators around the world to truly shape the course of the national Climate Change debate.

Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) - An international charity organisation, active for more than 20 years, promoting sustainable development through its five environmental education programmes; FEE has member organizations in 73 countries and is a partner organisation of UNESCO's Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development

Centre for Environment Education (CEE) - A center of excellence of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India. CEE's mission is to enhance understanding of sustainable development in formal, non-formal, and informal education.

Television for the Environment (tve) - Founded by Central TV, the UN Environment Programme and the World Wide Fund, TVE has over 30 years of experience making and distributing films that inspire change.

Connect4Climate - A global partnership programme launched by the World Bank Group and the Italian Ministry of Environment, joined by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, that takes on climate change by promoting solutions and empowering people to act.

Organisation of East Caribbean States (OECS) - An intergovernmental organization dedicated to economic harmonization and integration, protection of human and legal rights, and the encouragement of good governance between countries and dependencies in the Eastern Caribbean.

Ethanol Europe Renewables Ltd - An ethanol producer that purchases its corn directly from farmers in the region surrounding its operation in Hungary.

Itaipú Binacional - An hydroelectric power company based on the border of Brazil and Paraguay.

BNP Paribas - An international banking group.

Microsoft Corporation - An American multinational technology company that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers and services.

International Association of Public Transport (UITP) - A global network that brings together public transport stakeholders and sustainable transport modes.

International Union of Railways (UIC) - A global rail organization whose mission ranges from the promotion of railways, standardization, to the development of new forms of cooperation.

Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange - An international environmental energy rights and trading market platform which has been designated as a Shanghai carbon emission allowance trading platform. They offer services such as research in the fields of energy saving, environmental protection, carbon finance, and consulting services.

Mohammed VI Foundation - Established in June 2001, at the initiative of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa since the inception of the Foundation, whose fundamental mission is to raise awareness and education for sustainable development.

Reading University's Walker Institute - An interdisciplinary research institute based at the University of Reading, supporting the development of climate resilient societies.

South Pole Group - A provider of global sustainability financing solutions and services, such as providing data and advisory on sustainability risks and opportunities and carbon credits.

La Ruta del Clima - An NGO aimed at supporting education and communication regarding sustainability and climate change related issues.

The UN media partners for COP23 are:

Deutsche Welle - Germany's international broadcaster providing reliable news and information, and regional television, committed to the coverage on international decision makers and opinion leaders as well as people who actively stand up for democracy, human rights, and civil society catering to a liberal and democratic listener and viewership.

POLITICO - An internationally renowned media organization specialized in politics and policy reporting, committed to the topic of sustainability.

EFEverde - Founded in 1992, EFEverde is the environmental desk of the EFE news agency, focusing its journalistic work on environmental topics with extensive coverage of international climate politics.

Innovators Magazine - A European-based magazine featuring sustainable industries and ecosystems transforming our world. It also showcases the pioneering companies, countries and individuals making the biggest impact on delivering the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Financial Times - An international daily newspaper with special emphasis on business and economic news.

Facebook - A social network company.

About partnerships between UN Climate Change and non-party stakeholders.

The partnerships listed are part of a series of partnerships between UN Climate Change and relevant stakeholders, to support climate action. Partnerships will be formally recognized and given high visibility through the UN Climate Change website and social media channels, conference branding, and media engagement activities to reach a global audience.

The partnerships for COP23 promote the increased involvement of non-Party stakeholders as foreseen in the Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA).

The MPGCA was a launched at COP22 by the Conference of the Parties, explicitly welcoming climate action of all non-Party stakeholders, including the private sector, to help implement the Paris Climate Change Agreement. All entities of society and business are strongly encouraged to scale up their efforts and support actions to reduce emissions, as well as to build resilience and decrease vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change.



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