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Prima / POSTURI VACANTE / [Extended deadline] National Consultants
[Extended deadline] National Consultants
Accesări: 1188   




I. Position Information

Job Title (part-time positions):



Project Title:


Duration of employment: 

Position I: National Consultant responsible for assessing and describing activities related to climate change researches and systemic observations

Position II: National Consultant responsible for assessing and describing activities related to climate change education, training and public awareness

Republic of Moldova: Preparation of the Fifth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Position I: around 20 working days spread within the period November - December 2021

Position II: around 15 working days spread within the period November - December 2021

II. Background 

The project is being pursued to support the Republic of Moldova in the preparation of its Fifth National Communication to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

The main components of the project are as follows:

(i) National stocktaking exercise, stakeholder consultations and preparation of the Fifth National Communication (NC5) Project Implementation Plan (PIP) (ii) Description of national circumstances relevant to the GHGs emissions and removals, and institutional arrangements relevant for the preparation of national communications on a continuous basis; (iii) The national  inventory  of anthropogenic emissions by sources  and  removal by sinks of all GHGs not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, including a National Inventory Report for the period since 1990 to 2020; (iv) Information on climate change mitigation policies and measures and their effects; (v) Information on Greenhouse Gases emissions projections and total effect of policies and measures; (vi) Information on vulnerability assessment and climate change impacts; (vii) Information on measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change; (viii) Other information relevant to the Convention (i.e., integrating climate change considerations into national development priorities;  information on research and systematic observation, information on education, training and public awareness, transfer of and access to ESTs, efforts to promote information sharing and networking; capacity building; gender and climate change issues); (ix) Constraints and gaps, related financial, technical and capacity needs (i.e., constraints, gaps and needs, and activities for overcoming gaps; financial resources and technical support for preparing communications provided by various sources; financial resources and technical support provided by various sources; projects proposed for financing or in preparation for arranging support; opportunities, barriers for implementation of adaptation measures; country-specific technology needs and assistance received); (x) Technical assistance; (xi) Compilation and publication of Fifth National Communication of the Republic of Moldova to the Conference of the Parties; (xii) Stocktaking assessment and institutional arrangements for subsequent national communication preparation; (xiii) Project management; and (xiv) Monitoring and reporting.

The preparation of the Fifth National Communication to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is also expected to enhance general awareness and knowledge on climate change-related issues in the Republic of Moldova. It should seek to assist in the process of national planning and policy formulation, especially as it relates to mainstreaming vulnerability and adaptation, and mitigation measures within the work programme of the various stakeholders. In addition, it will contribute to the social and economic development of the country by reducing vulnerability associated with climate change, or proposing options to do so in the key sectors while reducing emissions and enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases.

Project Goal

The goal of this project is to assist the Republic of Moldova in mainstreaming and integration of climate change consideration into national and sectorial development policies by giving continuity to the institutional and technical capacity strengthening process, partly initiated and sustained by the National Communications.

Project Objective

The objective of this project proposal is to prepare and submit the Republic of Moldova's Fifth National Communication (NC5) to fulfil its obligations to the UNFCCC, as per their obligations under Articles 4.1 and 12.1 of the UNFCCC.

Project Strategy

The strategy of the project is to employ the best practice at the maximum extent possible and as well, international consultancy when needed. The project will build upon findings and experience gained through activities/projects aiming at addressing climate change issues and meeting the country's commitments under the UNFCCC.

Project Outputs

The following are the expected outputs from which the project objectives are directed:

Output 1: National consultations organized and NC5 Project Implementation Plan (PIP) developed and approved;

Output 2: Information on national circumstances relevant to the GHGs emissions and removals and institutional arrangement relevant to the preparation of the NCs on continuous basis, reviewed, updated and described;

Output 3: National inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removal by sinks of all GHGs not controlled by the Montreal Protocol, including a National Inventory Report for the period since 1990 to 2020, developed;  

Output 4: Information on climate change mitigation policies and measures and their effects described;  

Output 5: Information on greenhouse gases emissions projections and the total effect of policies and measures described;  

Output 6: High resolution climate change scenarios generated, assessment of climate change impacts and vulnerability conducted for key sectors;  

Output 7:  Information on adaptation actions and their effects provided;

Output 8: Other information relevant to the achievement of the objective of the Convention provided;  

Output 9: Information on constraints and gaps, and related financial, technical and capacity needs, including support needed and received reported;  

Output 10: Technical assistance provided;  

Output 11: The NC5 of the Republic of Moldova is compiled and submitted to the UNFCCC.   

Output 12: The stocktaking assessment undertaken and institutional arrangements for preparation of subsequent national communications reported.   

Output 13: Project implementation mechanism is in place and a PMU is operational.   

III. Organizational Context

The project is executed by the NC5 Project Management Unit (PMU) established by the Public Institution "Environmental Projects Implementation Unit" (PI "EPIU") of the Ministry of Environment (MoEN), on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, and in consultation with the UNEP. As national executing agency, the PMU established by the PI "EPIU" will be primarily responsible for the planning and management of the project activities, accounting, reporting, monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the NC5 National Project Director, the incumbents will provide technical knowhow for developing:

  • Chapter 7.2: 'Research and systematic observation' of the NC5 of the Republic of Moldova to the UNFCCC.
  • Chapter 7.3: 'Education, training and public awareness' of the NC5 of the Republic of Moldova to the UNFCCC.

Relevant project activities that will involve the services of national consultants are under:

Output 8: Other information relevant to the achievement of the objective of the Convention provided:

8.2. Activities related research and systematic observation (RSO)

8.2.1 Undertake a detailed analysis and provide information on the general policy on and funding of RSO, as well as information on the status of national and/or regional programmes for RSO, including any gaps identified and difficulties encountered.

8.2.2 Indicate the level of international assistance required to address needs and priorities for RSO. Identify and provide information on opportunities for and barriers to free and open international exchange of data and information and on action taken to overcome such barriers.

8.2.3 Collect and provide information on highlights, innovations and significant efforts made with regard to: (a) climate process and climate system studies, including paleoclimatic studies; (b) modelling and prediction, including global and regional climate models; (c) research on the impacts of climate change; (d) socioeconomic analysis, including analysis of both the impacts of climate change and response options; (e) research and development of mitigation and adaptation approaches, including technologies. Present also information on bilateral and multilateral support received for the implementation of projects and programmes in the above-mentioned areas.

8.2.4 Provide summary information on the current status of national plans, programmes and support for ground- and space-based climate observing systems, including long-term continuity of data, data quality control and availability, and exchange and archiving of data in the following areas: (a) atmospheric climate observing systems, including those measuring atmospheric constituents; (b) terrestrial climate observing systems; (c) support for developing countries to establish and maintain observing systems and related data and monitoring systems.

8.2.5 Compile and draft Chapter 7.2: 'Research and systematic observation' of the NC5 of the Republic of Moldova to the UNFCCC.

8.3. Activities related to education, training and public awareness

8.3.1    Provide information on general policy on education, training and public awareness.

8.3.2    Provide information on inclusion climate change in formal and non-formal educational curricula, including primary, secondary and higher education.

8.3.3    Provide information on inclusion climate change in training programmes and on any relevant resource and information centers providing such trainings.

8.3.4    Provide information on the level of awareness and understanding of climate change issues at all levels and on the existing and/or planned public-awareness programmes and information campaigns, the level of involvement of the public, non-governmental organizations and other relevant stakeholders and on participation in international activities.

8.3.5    Provide information on activities undertaken to implement Article 6 of UNFCCC, including the institutional and legal frameworks, and the means to monitor and assess their effectiveness. 

8.3.6    Provide information on the identified gaps, needs and priorities in relation to climate change education, training and public awareness, including international assistance needed.

8.3.7    Compile and draft Chapter 7.3: 'Education, training and public awareness' of the NC5 of the Republic of Moldova to the UNFCCC.

IV. Key Tasks / Results Expected 

Key Tasks: 

  • To perform activities under supervising and report to the National Project Director in all aspects of program implementation;
  • To carry out the necessary studies and implement the activities as outlined in the project document and personal TOR;
  • To provide required materials and information to the National Project Director, according to TOR, including in electronic format.

Key Deliverables: 

  • Sub-chapters 7.2: 'Research and systematic observation' and 7.3: 'Education, training and public awareness' of Chapter 7: 'Other information considered relevant to the achievement of the objective of the Convention' of the NC5 of the Republic of Moldova under the UNFCCC compiled.

V. Recruitment Qualifications 


Advanced degree (Master or Ph.D.) and related qualifications for the assigned positions. Additional training and certification related to the project activity would be an advantage.


  • At least 5 years of professional experience in technical activities related to the assigned positions (I: climatology, meteorology, hydrology, geography; II: journalism, social sciences, pedagogy);
  • At least 3 years of demonstrated experience in projects with similar tasks (e.g., elaboration of national communications and reports to the UNFCCC, UNCBD, UNCCD, etc.);
  • Demonstrated ability in carrying out studies on climate change, experience in the area of climate change awareness and public education and familiarity with the UNFCCC processes;
  • Strong analytical and report writing skills demonstrated by previous assignments;
  • Strong communication and teamwork/coordination skills demonstrated by previous assignments.

Language Requirements:

Excellent oral and written communication skills in Romanian language are required. Good knowledge of English language is an advantage.

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

1.       Technical proposal (please indicate the position  for which the incumbent is applying) explaining why the candidate is most suitable for the work, including information on previous similar assignments;

2.       Financial proposal (in USD), specifying a fee per day;

3.       CV, including past experience in similar projects.

Financial proposal

The Financial Proposal shall specify a daily lump-sum fee (indicating if it is negotiable). Payments will be made based on the actual number of days worked, subject to the submission and approval by the National Project Director of activity reports around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables specified in the TORs. 

While submitting the Financial Proposal it is to be noted that the project "Republic of Moldova: Preparation of the Fifth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change" is included into the List of ongoing technical assistance projects covered by international treaties for the application of income tax exemptions, excise duties, customs duties, duties for customs procedures, taxes for goods which, in the process of use, cause environmental pollution, and the application exemption from VAT with the right of deduction for the goods and services intended for them, in accordance with the stipulations of the Government Decision No. 246 of 08.04.2010 on the application of the zero VAT rate to deliveries of goods, services performed on the territory of the country and the granting of fiscal and customs facilities for ongoing technical and investment assistance projects, which fall under the scope of international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party (<>).

Documents should be submitted by email on, no later than Friday, 29 October 2021, by 5:30 PM.

Extended deadline until Friday, 5 November 2021, by 5:30 PM.

Only those shortlisted will be contacted.




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