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June Momentum for Climate Change




In line with its COVID-19 response, the UNFCCC secretariat is currently not convening any physical meetings. But the work in 2020 remains critical for making progress on climate change and, as the Executive Secretary has outlined, is not in any form on hold. While the subsidiary body sessions (SB 52) have been postponed to 4-12 October 2020, arrangements for continuing work through virtual meetings have been put in place.


From 1 to 10 June 2020, a series of online events will be conducted under the guidance of the chairs of the SBSTA and the SBI and with the support of the UNFCCC secretariat. The space the June Momentum is creating has also been made available for events convened by the COP presidency.

This series of online events offers an opportunity for Parties and other stakeholders to continue exchanging views and sharing information in order to maintain momentum in the UNFCCC process and to showcase how climate action is progressing under the special circumstances the world is currently facing.

This will include advancing technical work under the constituted bodies, as well as providing a platform for information exchange and engagement on other work being done under the UNFCCC, including on adaptation, mitigation, science, finance, technology, capacity-building, transparency, gender, Action on Climate Empowerment, and the preparation and submission of nationally determined contributions. Formal negotiations and decision-making are not envisaged for these events; they will take place at the SB sessions in October of this year.

The overview below lists events that will be organized during the June Momentum with their format and tentative dates. Further details on each event will be provided in due time.

As requested by the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties at its meeting on 1 April this year, the presiding officers, with the assistance of the secretariat, will soon make available a calendar of UNFCCC events mandated for SB 52 and for 2020. Most of the events that had been planned for the sessions or the intersessional period will take place virtually.


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