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Rwanda First African Country To Set New Climate Plan Under Paris Agreement


Despite being one of the poorest countries in the world, and contributing hardly anything to the current climate crisis, Rwanda has become one of the first countries to submit a new national climate plan which will strengthen global efforts to tackle climate change ahead of COP-26.


The 'nationally determined contribution, or NDC, will see a 16% reduction in emissions compared to Rwanda's current trajectory by 2030 and a further 22% reduction if the country is helped with technology and finance from richer nations, bringing the total reduction to 38%. The NDC also outlines plans for adaptation across seven sectors to help the country adapt to the changing climate.

Responding to the news, Mohamed Adow, Director of Nairobi-based think tank Power Shift Africa, said:

"It's great to see the first African country stepping forward to submit a new climate plan as part of the Paris Agreement. What makes the Paris Agreement an effective tool for tackling climate change is this very act, the strengthening of climate action every 5 years.

"Africa has done the least to cause the climate crisis and suffers from it the most. But it has a vital role to play in tackling it and other countries should take note of this leadership and follow suit.

"Rwanda is set to host a rescheduled Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and the leaders of fellow Commonwealth countries such as Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Scott Morrison, and Jacinda Ardern should take heed and ensure their own new climate plans are equally radical."




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