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EY pledges to be carbon neutral by end of 2020


EY has committed to being carbon neutral by the end of 2020.


The professional services firm Ernest & Young (EY) has made plans to be carbon neutral by 2020, by both reducing and offsetting its carbon emissions.

To achieve carbon neutrality, EY will focus on areas including reducing travel emissions, sustainable procurement practices and purchasing more renewable energy to power EY offices, for example wind or solar energy.

The firm will also purchase carbon credits to offset the EY carbon footprint and invest in projects that reduce carbon emissions or remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Carmine Di Sibio, EY Global Chairman and CEO, said: "Protecting the planet for future generations is an important issue for EY people and becoming carbon neutral this year is a real step forward on the EY sustainability journey. As an organization that spans more than 150 countries, with varying views and ambitions on climate change, we recognize this is no easy feat. However, with over 284,000 EY people who are dedicated to our purpose of building a better working world, EY has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take immediate action to create sustainable, inclusive growth for generations to come."

In addition, EY around the world is already focused on sustainable solutions. EY US entered into a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) to finance and construct two large scale Texas wind farms to become 100% renewable in 2020.

Meanwhile, EY UK is currently in the process of contracting directly with a solar farm developer and seeking to sign a 10-year agreement for 100% of its UK power demand.

Steve Varley, EY Global Vice Chair - Sustainability-elect and EY UK Chairman, said: "EY people are a driving force behind our focus on the environment and have sent a clear message that we must work together to build a more sustainable and better working world for EY clients and communities." 




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