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Meeting with ambassadors regarding the state of preparations for COP24




Only two months are left until the most important global climate policy event in the world - the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - which is why a meeting with the ambassadors accredited in Poland took place today in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister.


The meeting was attended by Minister of Environment Henryk Kowalczyk and Vice-Minister Michał Kurtyka. The Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Piotr Wawrzyk and representatives of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland were among the attendees.

At the beginning, Minister Kowalczyk reminded everybody of the Polish priorities for the COP24 Summit and the goals that we want to achieve during the Conference in Katowice.

"The most important objective of COP24 will be working out and adopting a package of decisions ensuring full implementation of the Paris Agreement," said Minister Kowalczyk.

"During the climate summit, the Polish Presidency wants to draw the attention of all countries to three key aspects - nature, humans and technology. We need a solidary and fair social and economic transformation, as well as climate neutrality, which will be achieved through the absorption of CO2 by forests. The development of climate-friendly modern solutions, such as electromobility, should also be supported,"  the minister added.

The final stage of preparation for COP24

The diplomats attending the meeting also heard detailed information on the preparations for the COP24 climate summit, which are already very advanced. A logistics operator has been selected to take care of all technical matters connected with the summit, as well as the construction of temporary facilities - conference rooms, offices for delegates and exhibition pavilions.

The climate summit in Katowice will take place in a former mine, which makes the context of the site perfectly suited to the main idea behind the event. The transformation, which has taken place in recent years shows how much Silesia has done as a region to improve the climate. Additionally, the attendees received full information on infrastructure and transport during the climate summit in Katowice.

UN COP24 Summit

COP24 or the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in December 2018 in Katowice. The event will be attended by nearly 30000 delegates from all over the world, including heads of governments and ministers responsible for environment and climate issues.

The plan for the COP24 summit is to adopt a full package implementing the Paris Agreement. The Agreement is the first international agreement in history, which compels all countries in the world to take action on climate protection. The implementation package will allow for the implementation of the Agreement in practice. It will thus set global climate and energy policy for the coming years.




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