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Home / NATIONAL FRAMEWORK / Additional information / Workshops and meetings / GEF/UNEP Project „Republic of Moldova: Preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the 2015 Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)” Coordination Workshop
GEF/UNEP Project „Republic of Moldova: Preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the 2015 Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)” Coordination Workshop
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GEF/UNEP Project „Republic of Moldova: Preparation of Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the 2015 Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)”



Location: Regency Hotel, str. Sfatul Ţării 17, Chișinău city

Date: 8 September 2015



  • Introducing the relevant partners with the draft INDC document of the Republic of Moldova to be submitted and considered in the 2015 Agreement under the UNFCCC;
  • Coordination of the draft INDC document of the Republic of Moldova to be submitted and considered in the 2015 Agreement under the UNFCCC with all relevant partners and stakeholders;
  • Informing relevant partners and stakeholders on the progress in international negotiations of the 2015 Agreement under the UNFCCC.


 Target Groups:  

Central Public Authorities, private sector, non-Governmental sector, academic sector - around 50 persons.




INDC - in context of the 2015 Climate Agreement, Sudhir Sharma, UNEP DTU Partnership

Preparation and design of the Republic of Moldova’s INDCs: organizing the process, identifying data and analysis, designing and communicating the INDCVasile Scorpan, Manager of Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment 

Greenhouse Gas Emission Trends in the Republic of Moldova within 1990-2013 and associate variables in the context of INDC process, Marius Țăranu, National GHG Inventory Coordinator, Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment

Mitigation scenarios until 2030 and the process of identifying the reduction targets in the context of INDC, Ion Comendant, Climate Change Mitigation Team Leader

Vulnerability of the Republic of Moldova to climate change and adaptation planning in the context of the Republic of Moldova Climate Change Adaptation Strategy until 2020Ala Druță, Project Manager "Supporting Moldova’s National Climate Change Adaptation Planning Process"





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