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Indians believe govt needs to tackle climate change: Study




A Yale Foundation study has found that Indians understand and respond to the idea of climate change affecting their lives and their future prospects, and have faith in science to tackle it.


Called 'Climate Change in the Indian Mind', the study conducted interviews with 4,031 Indian adults, both rural and urban, to find out their responses, awareness, behaviour and approach to climate change.

When first asked about it, only 7 per cent said they knew "a lot" about global warming, while 41 per cent said they "did not know" or had "never heard of it". However, when explained in detail, about 72 per cent said they believed it was happening. A majority were also keen to look for solutions.

However, among the most striking things about the study, according to Prof Anthony Leiserowitz - head of Yale University-based Yale Project on Climate Change Communication - was the receptivity of Indians to science and solutions offered by it to ill-effects of climate change.

While awareness of the idea of climate change as understood internationally was lower in India than in the US, he told The Indian Express, "there is a small, but powerful minority of the public in the US that doubts or dismisses the reality or threat of climate change. By contrast, of those Indians that have heard of the issue, relatively few question the science".

Scientists, in fact, were the most trusted sources of information on global warming, with about 73 per cent reposing their faith in them, followed by the news media (69 per cent). About half of the respondents placed their trust in government or religious leaders.


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