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04.07.2023 Climate Change Impacts, Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Republic of Moldova: Observed Trends and Future Projections.
The research study has been developed under the Project “Republic of Moldova: Enabling Activities for the Preparation of the Fifth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”, implemented by the Public Institution “Environmental Projects National Implementation Office” (P.I. “EPNIO”) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with the financial support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
View : english Lilia TARANU, Lidia TRESCILO, Tatiana BUGAEVA [et al.], ISBN 978-9975-81-141-5 // 86557.355 Kb Views: 81
28.01.2023 Climate Change in the Republic of Moldova: Observations and Projections
This research has been supported by the UNEP/GEF Project “Republic of Moldova: Preparation of the Fifth National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”. We acknowledge the employees of the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova and State Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Moldova for national statistical and climate data used in the study. We acknowledge also the authors responsible for elaborating the E-OBS dataset from the EU-FP6 project UERRA (https://www.uerra.eu) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, and the data providers in the ECA&D project (https://www.ecad.eu). We also thank the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), the International Expert Team on Sector-specific Climate Indices (ET-SCI) that participated in elaborated the ClimPact2 tool: Lisa Alexander, Nicholas Herold, James Goldie, Enric Aguilar, Marc Prohom, and the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium: David Bronaugh, James Hiebert, Hongang Yang, Yang Feng, et al.
View : româna english ISBN 978-9975-166-92-8 // 19658.189 Kb Views: 427
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