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Climate Change
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24.08.2014 Projections of changes in productivity of major agricultural crops in the Republic of Moldova according to an ensemble from 10 GCMS for sres A2, A1B and B1 emission scenarios in the XXI century
Lilia ȚĂRANU PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Consultant in the Area of Adaptation and Vulnerability to Climate Change, Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova#156A, Mitropolit Dosoftei St., Office 37, MD 2004, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
View : english // 1970.561 Kb Views: 1722
24.08.2014 Climate change and agroclimatic conditions in the Republic of Moldova. Communication I: temperature - based indices
Lilia Ţăranu PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Consultant in the Area of Adaptation and Vulnerability to Climate Change, Climate Change Office, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova#156A, Mitropolit Dosoftei St., Office 37, MD 2004, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
View : english // 4524.836 Kb Views: 1667
06.08.2014 An Assessment of Climate Change Impact on the Republic of Moldova's Agriculture Sector
A Research Study Complementing the Vulnerability and Adaptation Chapter of the Third National Communication of the Republic of Moldova under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
View : english Lilia ŢĂRANU (PhD), ISBN 978-9975-53-362-1 Views: 1946
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