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Prima / Proiecte NAMA / Promotion of wind power plants (WPP) in the Republic of Moldova
Promotion of wind power plants (WPP) in the Republic of Moldova 12.01.2018

The overall objective of this NAMA is large scale implementation, by 2030 , of Wind Power Plants with a total capacity of about 400 MW. The RM is dependent on imported electricity at about 82% rate. The country's strategic documents provide for overcoming this situation by adding renewable electricity sources (RES) into the energy balance, including wind energy. The total capacity of RES planned to be built by 2030 is about 800 MW. About 50% of these will be regulated, i.e. the price of the energy produced will be set by the regulator, and 400 MW of WPP will operate on open market. In order to make the WPP financially feasible, the price of the energy produced by these WPP should be lower or equal to the lowest price on the energy market. To be able to provide such a price, donors' contribution in the form of a grant and concessional loan is needed to allow for lowering of the energy price and make the energy produced by WPPs become competitive on the market. The NAMA concerned is therefore aimed at achieving the country's conditional NDC, which provides for the 78% reduction of GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. This NAMA is on the list of the nationally appropriate mitigation actions in the country’s LEDS. The RM has sufficient wind power potential. Maps of wind resources at the 50, 100 and 150 m above ground level of the Republic of Moldova are available on a free access platform. The wind installations to be built will be located in eight Parks at an altitude of 190-350 m, with towers of about 100-120 m, where the average annual wind speed is 6-7 m / sec. The Wind Farms Capacity Factor falls within the range of 0.35-0.43. The cost of energy will be between 4.35 and 4.41 c € / kWh, corresponding to the lowest electricity price produced by the traditional energy sources in the region. By implementing this NAMA, a GHG reduction of approximately 609 kt CO2 equivalent will be achieved. Up to 2016 2.33 MW of wind farms have been built in the RM.

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