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Prima / Proiecte NAMA / Waste to Energy (WTE) NAMA in The Republic of Moldova
Waste to Energy (WTE) NAMA in The Republic of Moldova 12.01.2018

The waste sector in The R. of Moldova accounts for 12.2% of the country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with esti-mated emissions of 1,565,800 tCO2e. The bulk of the sector’s emissions come from solid waste. At present, increased attention is being paid to improve overall municipal waste management, with the Moldovan govern-ment recognizing the need for improvement of the entire system, including the collection, transfer, treatment and dis-posal of waste in regional landfills and closure of existing dumpsites. The effort to improve the system has been sup-ported by numerous international agencies with GIZ, Europe-an Investment Bank and Czech Development Agency funding feasibility studies for all eight (8) waste management regions of the country. The NAMA’s WTE facilities will be installed at the solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) that reflect these ef-forts, though the scope of the NAMA does not include im-provement of waste management public services per se. The NAMA, to take place in SWDS, involves installation of sys-tems of equipment to achieve two elements in relation to GHG mitigation: Collection of landfill gas (LFG) and destruc-tion of the methane contained in it; and Use of the collected LFG for renewable electricity generation without reliance on fossil fuel. Total generation capacity installed per NAMA and working on LFG is equal to 4 MW.

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