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Home / NAMA projects / Promotion of heat pumps in the Republic of Moldova
Promotion of heat pumps in the Republic of Moldova 12.01.2018

The objective of this NAMA is to implement small, medium and large capacity heat pumps that will meet about 4 % of heating and hot water supply demand in the Republic of Moldova. Electricity driven heat pumps is a mature technolo-gy that can be used to provide thermal energy to meet heat-ing, hot water, as well as cooling demands. It is expected that about 13160 heat pumps of different capacities will be in-stalled in residential detached buildings, industrial and com-mercial enterprises, schools, hotels, restaurants and other premises. Most heat pumps (12654) will be of small capacity ranging from 12 kW to 19 kW and will be installed by the owners of the existing or newly built detached buildings. About 500 heat pumps of medium capacity of 50 kW will be installed at different enterprises, schools, hotels, restaurants and other premises to meet the heating and hot water sup-ply demands. A limited number (about 6) of large heat pumps of 1 MW capacity will be installed at waste water treatment plants and other enterprises where low grade energy sources are available. Implementation of heat pumps will result in an-nual production of about 1.743 PJ of heat. The heat produced by the heat pumps will substitute the heat produced by natu-ral gas and coal fired boilers. The implementation of this NAMA project has a timeline of 12 years. It is estimated that this NAMA implementation will lead to approximately 37% reduction in annual fuel consumption compared to baseline scenario, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction of at least 66741 tones of CO2 eq per year.

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